For centuries, bulls have been highly-valued as an auspicious animal that symbolizes STRENGTH, POWER AND TENACITY. Let these characteristics shine in OPULENT glory with our ROYCE collection of bull figurines. Come in classic BLACK & WHITE with a touch of GOLD that adds GLAMOR to the contemporary design. These sculptural animals are so beautifully-made with such high aesthetic value, it is the perfect choice of gift for anyone born under the TAURUS horoscope ♉ or the Chinese OX zodiac sign 🐮

Material: Resin
Style: Modern Contemporary
Colors: Black, White with Gold
Charging Bull - H15.5cm x W25.5cm x D8.5cm / H6 x W10 x D3.3"
Fearless Bull - H21 x W20.5 x D7.5cm / H8.2 x W8 x D3"